Jet Orientation Course – JOC

The course become familiar with the jet to be conducted on a flight simulator, dedicated to those who want to undertake the airline Pilot career but have no Jet experience. Today, many companies require the JOC. The advanced part of the course includes in particular training for typical missions of company talks.


Certificate: Valido CPL/IR ME, MCC, ATPL Teorico, self-study JOC

Language skill: English ICAO Level 4

Medical License: EASA Class 1


Duration 5 days
  • Day 1: 4 hrs Theory
  • Day 2: 1 hrs Theory + 4 hrs SIM
  • Day 3: 1 hrs Theory + 4 hrs SIM
  • Day 4: 1 hrs Theory + 4 hrs SIM
Totale = 7 hrs of THEORY + 12 hrs of SIMULATOR